Advanced Poker Tools
Allows you to extract stats into database of Holdem Manager 2, PokerTracker 4 and Hand2Note.
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Tracker imports converted hands in real-time Chico, Aconcagua, Red Argentina, Spartan Poker, WWin Poker, PokerDom, EuropeBet, PokerMira, PokerMatch и GoodDay4Play, into Poker Tracker 4, Holdem Manager 2 и Hand2Note. Player receives a full access to tracker’s functionality, seriously raising skill cap over the field.
Simple and intuitive setup
Autoupdate system
Popular poker trackers support such as Holdem Manager, PokerTracker and Hand2Note
Free Connective Converter support various conversion formats which brings NoteCaddy into play
Automatic tables search and HUDs
Full control of the converter state, poker tables monitor, hands log, access to saved hands history files
Observer mode allows you to collect hands history without participating in the game
Relatively low RAM usage and CPU load
Our support team stand ready to assist you with all of your technical questions regarding Free Connective Converter